Wednesday, June 26, 2013

To Save a Child- Part 2

There is so much I wanted to share about the issue of abortion that I felt the need for more than one post. Part 1 is a brief recollection of my story and how it relates to the current law in Alabama and the bill that was recently shut down by the Texas senate. Part 2 is a summary of my personal beliefs about what our priorities, as Christians, should be regarding this issue.
 A very important part of my story, that I left out due to length, is that I visited a crisis pregnancy center. A wonderful, loving, caring woman helped me to understand the many options that I had. She did not exclude abortion from those options, but simply stated that she believed, personally, that it was not the best choice. Other options included adoption and raising the baby myself. Unfortunately, at that time they did not have an ultrasound machine. I honestly think that would have helped me to see the picture, literally, more clearly. What I remember most about the pregnancy center is not what was discussed or what information I was given. I remember the love she showed me. When I told her about my decision to terminate the pregnancy, she didn't gasp or get angry. She just loved me.
 This is a call to Christians to put their initial thoughts and emotions aside for the sake of Christ. What I've learned about emotions is that they are a signal. In this case, they might be a signal that something is wrong, frightening, or out of our control. But we do not have to react from a place of anger or judgment based on those emotions.
 I honestly don't believe we are accomplishing much by picketing, protesting, or calling names. The better approach would be to love and support the pregnant women that feel they have no where else to turn. There are many crisis pregnancy centers that do a great job of providing counseling, ultrasound, and basic needs for these women.
 Another responsibility we have is to show forgiveness. Maybe there are women who have chosen to have an abortion and do not feel they have made a mistake. We still forgive. There are also some who have terminated a pregnancy and feel remorse or guilt. We should be anxiously waiting to provide forgiveness and support.
 Locally, Choose Life North Alabama does a great job at supporting women in all stages of their pregnancy. They also provide care after the baby is born and have support groups for women who have terminated a pregnancy. If you are truly concerned about what is happening to all of these tiny lives, look for an organization that is making a difference in the lives of women and contribute.

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