Thursday, February 6, 2014

I Have A Gift

 There are items in our home that we regularly use for a different purpose than the one for which they were intended. A great example of this is our floor sweeper. It's purpose is to reach under the furniture and sweep all of the dust off of the floor. We often use it to retrieve toys or other small items that have accidently found their way to a place that we can not reach. We use it so much for this purpose that when I was cleaning, my oldest son asked me "what are you trying to get?"
 There are so many things that are commonly used for an alternate or additional purpose. A toothbrush. A toothbrush is a great scrubber. The ones that are recommended now are soft-bristle, so they aren't quite as effective as a scrubber. But they still work. We have used a toothbrush for scrubbing grout, getting stains out clothes, cleaning shoes, etc.
 Using tangible items for multiple purposes doesn't usually hurt anyone. But what if we started misusing other things? Some examples are a woman who uses her beauty to manipulate others; children and pets who use their cuteness to get out of trouble; people who use their intelligence for illegal purposes. One thing that these examples have in common is that they are God-given traits. We were all born with God-given gifts that are unique to each one of us.
 When we are born into God's kingdom, we are given a special gift. The gift is special because it is only given to followers of Christ, and it is only of value when we allow God to use it for his purpose. These are referred to as "spiritual gifts."
 I have the spiritual gift of discernment. I have taken many gifts tests, and this one always comes out on top. I'm not exactly sure of everything this gift encompasses, but I will share a way I have seen it manifested in my life. During a spiritual discussion with others I often find myself thinking "that's not true," or "yes, exactly." Many times I have no clue where this analyzing comes from, but I always research God's Word after the discussions and find answers that match what I felt at the moment. There is no logical explanation, it is just the Holy Spirit speaking to me and telling me what is truth and what is not.
 I know this sounds a whole lot like bragging. I'll admit it is a great gift to have. Sometimes I even remind my husband with the statement "I know, because I have the gift of discernment." Let me be honest. Just like the toothbrush, I have used my gift abrasively. Just like the examples above, I have used my gift to harm others.
 I have another personality trait, we'll call this one a flaw. It is the desire to be right. I have let this desire to be right interfere with God's plan for me and others. I have found myself dictating to others why I am right and they are wrong. If you are reading this and think "this is about me," you're probably right. But I assure you, you are not the only one I've done this to.
 I've spent time praying about how to appropriately use this for the good of God's kingdom and lift up others. The answer is very clear: I need to shut my mouth. When there is a believer that needs some help understanding something or verifying truth, I know they will ask me. I am mentoring a couple of young girls, and in that case I am free to speak truth into their lives. In love. After all, they did sign up for that. I can also use this gift to lift up others who need to hear that they are loved, forgiven, and cherished. The most important thing I must remember is that it is not about me being right, it is about God being right. I just need to move out of the way. AmIRight?

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