I should start by introducing myself, I guess. My name is Jamie and I am a not-so-normal gal living in Alabama with my man and two beautiful handsome boys. I now define myself as a Jesus follower, a Jesus freak, if you will. It hasn't always been this way, as my story is one of heartache and rebellion and redemption. One day we may get to that. I stay at home with my boys am a stay at home mom and I try my best to get the boys out, but let's be honest, it doesn't always happen.
Once upon a time I was a pharmacist. A good one. I always imagined my life to be one of the professional-type. But God had different plans for me. I suppose I will cover that story at some point in time also.
So that's me in a nutshell- Jesus follower, wife, mom, ex-pharamcist.

Well, a blog, of course. You know what type of blogs I love? I'll tell you. The honest ones. I get so tired of reading blogs that convey the message of awesome mommying: loving every moment of spit up and poopy diapers, looking fashionable while feeding a toddler made-from-my own garden organic vegetable soup with one hand and getting ahead on my Bible study with the other. So that's what- an honest blog. I don't have it all together, I never will, and to be honest, I don't even know what "all-together" is.
One of my concerns with sharing a blog was that I didn't want to indirectly proclaim "LOOK AT ME! Look what I'M doing over here!" So let me be clear- The purpose of this is to show others what GOD is doing, not me. Because if I showed the world (or 2 or 3 readers) what I am doing with me life, it would be sad. I have made a mess of my life and God has turned it into a message. That was so cliche. (But so true!)
I accidently answered that already in the "what?" section. To share with the internet world what God is doing in my life with the hopes that others will open their heart to what God can do in them.
Side note- I have no clue what I'm doing. You'd think with a computer engineer in the house I'd have some help... wrong.
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